Fashion League goes Insta-crazy!

Posted On10 Mar 2013

The sound of the crowd cheering and clapping still resounds in our head! The spirit of the Fashion league lives on via Instagram. Some fans flew in just to attend the show, while others got a sneak peak behind the scenes or simply embraced the show to the fullest behind their screens. Here are some of the best moments captured on Instagram with the hashtag #splashfashion or #SFL.

Stylish tickets for our stylish fans were given out while we bumped into a popular fashionista all the way from Bahrain!

From expats to residents, whether it was from behind a laptop screen or in the midst of it all, everybody seemed to have had a fantastic evening.

And the icing on the cake was when we instagrammed Salman Khan's memorable walk down the SFL ramp with Raza Beig and Nisha Jagtianiof it all was of course, confetti shows!

Don’t forget to share your favorite #SFL moment with us via Instagram @SplashFashions!