Posted On14 Jul 2016

This past Ramadan, we launched the Heart of Gold campaign, an attempt to honour those who put others’ needs before their own, and to reward those who have championed the act of uniting individuals, groups or even communities.

And we are immensely proud to bring you true Stories of Unity:


Saima and Step Up Dubai

Forced into volunteering after her mom confiscated her phone one holiday, it took this teenager just one act of kindness to get hooked on doing good work.

She is currently an active member of around seventy five charitable organizations, ranging from giving some food to the hungry, to activities involving special needs children.

Inspiring those she works with to be active, to be aware, and to be grateful, Saima deserves the nomination as one of our champions of unity.


Stephanie and Dubai Mums Helping Hands

Stephanie and Dubai Mums Helping Hands serve people with needs, and provide them with some basic supplies.

Stephanie has been identified as a champion of unity for her ability to bring people who are willing to make a change together, not just once, but time and time again.

And then further inspire those people to go out themselves and do even more.

What an inspiration! We proudly honour Stephanie!


Sumayyah and the Ramadan Fridges

In the spirit of sharing and caring for those in need, Sumayyah united a community with an initiative so very simple, yet so very inspiring.

By putting fridges filled with food outside their homes, a sense of community was created, some bellies were filled, and a few eyes were opened.

Sumayyah’s initiative shows how easy it is when you just (quite literally) think outside of the box.

Well done, Sumayyah. You’re a true champion of unity.


Nijoe and the Fishermen

Not one, not two, but twenty three fishermen will be reunited with their families back in India, after being stranded in the UAE for the past two years.

Nijoe, a maritime lawyer practicing in the UAE, heard about their story and decided to step in.

Nijoe made it his mission to get these men back to their wives and children who are so dependent on their husbands’ salaries.

We are proud to honour Nijoe.

May these champions of unity be an inspiration to all of us, to go out and to do good beyond our own needs!